Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: VARK'S CLI UTILS DISK NO. 7 Compiled on 9th March 1995 Welcome to another smeggingly good utilities disk ! This disk should work on all machines V2.04+ and upwards. Hopefully all the utils check out okay, as I spent long enough testing the buggers. Are we Amiga owners a dying breed ? I was in a local 'puter shop yesterday, and a woman and her two daughters came in asking about buying an Amiga. The shop chappy said they do not sell Amigas anymore, as the company have gone bust and it is uncertain whether any more will be made. He then went on to show the woman a catalogue showing PC's they sell, from u899 upwards. He tried his best to convince this woman it was the best (and only ! eh ?) choice. However, the woman said she couldn't afford it, and left with two disapointed kiddies. Well, when you think about it, when you want an affordable home computer, what do you go for ?? There is nothing. I just hope that Amiga International, or the MBOT, or the company formerly known as Commodore ( more name changes than Prince ?) whatever they are called get the go ahead and win the legal wranglings. I'll tell you another thing, Amiga Magazines are not helping the cause either Look at the number of CD mounted PC mags, there is only 1 CD mounted Amiga mag. Tip for the decade : DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM POWER COMPUTING !!!! VARK